Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is the attempt to create machines which learn, reason and behave like humans.

For an entire decade, Newquist wrote more about artificial intelligence than anyone else on the planet.

His work was cited by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, Business Week, The Economist and a host of others.

He was a columnist for Computerworld, AI Expert, The Expert Systems Journal, a contributor to Popular Mechanics, Newsweek, and the Encarta Encyclopedia, and publisher of the
AI TRENDS newlsetter. His work resulted in at least a million words written on artificial intelligence.

After 10 years, he decided to put all that he had learned into a book called The Brain Makers. It was well recieved and is considered the definitive history of man's attempt to make thinking machines . . .

"The Brain Makers engagingly tells the story of artificial intelligence's rise and fall and gradual redemption, investing it with all the high drama and unexpected revelations of a celebrity memoir." - Omni Magazine

"Newquist gives the glory days of artificial intelligence an official record." - The Boston Globe

"The Brain Makers is a fascinating and engrossing story with lessons for the entire industry." - The Washington Times

For more on artificial intelligence, click here.

Newquist has also written about emerging technologies like virtual reality, medical robots, electronic money, commercial space travel, and the use of computers in making music. You can see that work in the BOOKS section.